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Christmas Krippe

A holly berry bar

T'were the days before Christmas
And all through the house,
Ran that big little Blackie
Chasing her most recent mouse.

The tree was put up;
All decorated with care,
Waiting for the Allen crowd
Who soon would be there.

The German Krippe, the candles,
Decorations galore.
Filled the Plantation
With Christmas cheer once more.

Christmas Eve, around suppertime,
The family arrives
And gathers together
For a special night in their lives.

The Jacksonville Five,
David, Ricky and Nan
Could hardly wait
As the festivities began.

Someone is missing;
The Stammhalter's not with us.
But Jimmy phones in
And says, "Merry Christmas"!

Giggles and laughter,
Kid's happy faces;
Gifts piled high,
Bows in strange places.

The evening grows late;
Children are yawning;
Everyone winds down.
Christmas '92 is dawning.

- The Plantation News, December 25, 1992 -

A holly berry bar

article list cat back home

The Plantation News
mary ann allen