
beautiful kitty


       A strange sight greeted Ricky recently as he happened to glance over at the birdcage in his fancy Fan digs. There he saw Arwen Galadriel, his lithesome kitty, sleeping in her usual spot on top of the birdcage. The lethargic cat seemed to be totally oblivious to the antics of Ricky's bird, the notorious Hitler! (Those who have been following this saga may have noted that Ricky's notorious bird keeps changing his identity! So be it!) Anyway, that smug and sneaky bird was skillfully pulling cat fur out of the unsuspecting feline's silky coat!

       But wait! Suddenly the cat's body began to twitch! Uh-oh, was a cat's clawed paw getting ready to finish off the pesky bird? Nope! Arwen Galadriel just turned over on top of the birdcage to get her back groomed too!

- The Plantation News -
August 1996

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mary ann allen